Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Funny Story

I was riding on the bus into town the other day, and an elderly woman came on. She was dressed in authentic Ecuadorian clothing and hat. I was wondering about her life, and wondered what it was like. Where she lived, if she had children and grandchildren or if she believed in God. I was a couple rows behind her so I watched for a while. As I was thinking all these things, she reached into her pocket and pulled out an "iPhone touch" to make a phone call....something I was not expecting!


  1. I don't know what an iphone touch is, I'm guessing it is something you talk on like a cell phone. lol, I think technology is everywhere . Blessings

  2. That is really funny; the old and the new all mixed up together. . . . .it is an amazing world we live in.
    Love you and miss you; you are always in our hearts and our prayers. May God continue to give you all the strength and endurance you need to share with these little ones who belong to Jesus' heart.
    May His light and love shine in your heart sweet one
    Love you more than words can say. . . .

  3. (finally figured out how to get on this blog; I obviously belong to the "old" world. I still would rather talk on a phone than text and that is proof lol)

  4. Granny went tech! Love hearing about your life. :)
