As sometimes it is difficult to start up classes (in the sense that
people begin and then eventually some lose interest) we are going to have what
we call workshops. They will be twice per week to see who really is interested
in signing up for full courses in January. It will also give us the chance to
see who will be able to attend more advanced level classes.
As I mentioned before, the end of the year is coming to a close and for
most of ourstudents, the 2014 school year has ended. Unfortunately we have had
two students who have dropped out recently; one due to conflict with the
University and the other because of not failing his exam at Maximo Nivel (the
English language school). It brings great disappointment and sadness, to be
truly honest. I have struggled recently with wondering if really what I’m doing
here makes a difference. This type of work can be disheartening at times, and
make me question if I am in the right place. It has been confirmed to me time
and time again that this is where the Lord wants me for right now, but it has
been a challenging few months. Please pray for the encouragement in times of