Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New English Training

It is a time of transition! Small Change 4 Big Change will officially have an office and classroom space right in Santa Catarina. This is something we have needed for a while, and God finally provided a space that we will be able to use beginning in December. The plan is to have many more English classes now that we can have a consistent classroom space. We will be able to move things from the office where we are now (in Antigua) into the other during the month of December; but the plan is to have at least the classroom space ready to use the second week.
As sometimes it is difficult to start up classes (in the sense that people begin and then eventually some lose interest) we are going to have what we call workshops. They will be twice per week to see who really is interested in signing up for full courses in January. It will also give us the chance to see who will be able to attend more advanced level classes.
As I mentioned before, the end of the year is coming to a close and for most of ourstudents, the 2014 school year has ended. Unfortunately we have had two students who have dropped out recently; one due to conflict with the University and the other because of not failing his exam at Maximo Nivel (the English language school). It brings great disappointment and sadness, to be truly honest. I have struggled recently with wondering if really what I’m doing here makes a difference. This type of work can be disheartening at times, and make me question if I am in the right place. It has been confirmed to me time and time again that this is where the Lord wants me for right now, but it has been a challenging few months. Please pray for the encouragement in times of disappointment.

Monday, November 3, 2014


The weather here is very cold, it reminds me of fall back in MD! The temperature typically changes around November and December here which makes it feel like Christmastime. On Saturday everyone celebrated All Saint’s Day; the tradition is to go to the cemeteries with food and family to celebrate the lives of those who have passed. People all over Latin America celebrated with enormous kites (in photo) that had been made beginning 6 months ago, festivals, and the traditional dish called fiambre. Fiambre is made of vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, radishes, beets, and corn as well as eggs and all different types of hams, and sausages.

In better news, we spoke with the Mayor of Santa Catarina who told us that what we had heard about the garden was false, and that he still gave us permission to use the land. It turned out to be a misunderstanding but is also confirmation that we need a piece of land of our own so there is never any complication. We have found a house that will be an office space in Santa Catarina, which is a blessing! We had found out and even put a deposit down, but it didn’t work out with the owner due to changes and additions we needed to be made. This one we have found now will hopefully will be able to be used beginning in January! Please pray for that also; that this is the right place for us and everything will fall into place.

Felix, our student who has been sponsored to take guitar lessons by the church who came in August, began this month. He takes two hours per week at a local church that offers one hour of guitar theory and one hour of practice. It is such a wonderful opportunity for him, as he struggles with epilepsy. He would like to study at the University but due to his condition it would make it hard for him.  (As well as money that the family doesn’t have). He would like to learn and possibly play in his church’s worship band.

Thank you always for all of your support and your prayers for me and for the project.