Thursday, May 29, 2014

Halfway through the year!

It is almost June, which means the 6 month mark of the year. How quickly time passes without us even realizing it. Our University students are finishing their first semester, and the rest of the students are taking their mid-year exams.

We have a community garden that Lisa has begun in the area of Chirijuyú, with 30 women who have been broken up into groups to take care of their plots of land. These women love being in charge of their plots and it is especially exciting when it is time to harvest. We are in the process of preparing and working out details for the group of 63 people coming in August to volunteer from a church in Iowa. We are very excited to have such a large group of people interested in what God is doing here in Guatemala, but there are so many details and logistics to be worked out. We will have one group of 20 working in various projects with smallchangeforbigchange (doing Vacation Bible School and installing stoves), another group will be working with an organization called ImaginInGuate constructing a house, and the other group in Xenacoj working with the Hope Haven factory (constructing and distributing wheelchairs). There is no doubt that God has a plan for this team since everything seems to be falling into place as it should, and the resources are being provided. We are also putting together here our “dream team” of workers and volunteers to be available all week long!

Other than that it’s been almost a month since I’ve been home, and I still miss seeing my family every day. The rainy season has begun and it is sweet to listen to the rain when it’s pouring outside. I tend to love cloudy days more than sunny and so this time of year is beautiful. Thank you always for your support in the project and for me, God always provides for my needs and I am thankful always!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Home and Disneyworld

I am back in my home in Guatemala and it is always strange to be back. I was able to spend my first week back in Catonsville. Most of all, I spent the time with my family. I didn't have very much on my schedule so that I was able to be with them. I even enjoyed taking my sister to school and picking her up each day! It is so different to be able to connect with people again face to face and in person. I am very thankful for Skype, but it is not the same. They encourage me by supporting me in this project, although it is the most painful thing imaginable to be apart. This time back, I have seen the most change in my younger brother who is 11. Being with him and seeing these changes was quite a shock, but it is exciting to see how he is growing.

The second week I was fortunate enough to get to Disneyworld! My family had planned this vacation a few months ago, and had been wanting to do it for a few years now. It was magical! My family, my sister and her family and father-in-law and sister-in-law went. We bought three park tickets and spent all day going to the Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, and Epcot. The rest of the days we spent at the pool and resting at home. By far the most fun we had was just spending together, laughing and joking and enjoying the time without any distractions from work or being at home. Words cannot express how thankful I was to be with all of them and be able to spend that "magical" time with them. 

I began work again yesterday, but also am trying to get into the routine. It is always a transition to be back in the US and then to be back in Guatemala, but worth it. I thank all of you who continue to support me and smallchangeforbigchange, I will never be able to thank you all enough.