It was another exciting week for many reasons. On Sunday
started Holy Week, the most famous week in all of Central America. Especially
here in Antigua, as you might have remembered from before, it is a week full of
processions, alfombras (colorful photo), food, time with the family, and many Catholic
traditions. Everything is colorful and smells of insense and of the different traditional plants they use on the alfombras.The streets are full of people from all over the world. It is a
time of reminder of Christ and what He did on the cross, and how that affects
our lives today. It is an encouragement towards a deeper relationship with Him,
and to see where our hearts’ focus is. Here, Good Friday is celebrated more
than Easter Sunday. But it had me thinking that you cannot have one day without
the other, and that each day is equally important. Christ died, and in that
moment washed our sins away. But He also resurrected, and came to life again to
provide us with eternal life. It is beautiful.

We also were blessed to have a pilot team of two men from
the Vineyard Church in Ohio with us this week. It was an excellent week of
stoves installation as well as a chicken coop. But the great part about having
these two here is that they understood how important it is to spend time with
these families, and really talk to them and hear their
stories. We spent a lot
of time sitting around and sharing, as well as prayer. They “get it”. The more
we talked with them, the more we realized they were on the same page, as far as
the fact that the projects we do are a hook to lead people to the love of God.
They are hoping to come back sometime in the future with a team from the church.
I will be heading home in less than a week! I will be there
for about 8 days then go with the family to Disneyworld in Orlando. I am looking
forward to it immensely, it is always so REFRESHING to see them and spend time
with them face to face instead of over a computer screen. I hope to see many of
you who are in Catonsville during the time, at least to say hello and thank you
all for your support that you continually provide me and