Monday, February 17, 2014

Completed Tienda!

Victor and Rosie's tienda (see other blog below) have been completed and opened last Thursday! They are more than thrilled and know that this is a huge blessing that God has given them. They want to use this store for His glory. Here are some photos!



Friday, February 7, 2014

First Business Opportunity

Incredible donations. The donations that come in have nothing to do with me, or Lisa, they come from the sponsors hearts that have been moved by God. We know that He provides for the needs of His people, and He is the one in charge of this project!

Victor and Rosie (and their daughter Adriana) are a family who have been working with us for a couple months now. Victor is hired to work as an employee with installation of stoves and construction of chicken coops. Many times Rosie and Adriana come along and provide entertainment J They are a very special family who are also very involved in their church and are very focused on serving the Lord and growing closer to Him. They have struggled through the years; they have very little money. But they’ve stayed faithful, believing that God was going to help them through and there would be a light at the end of the tunnel.

They had expressed an interest in starting a little “tienda,” or store, in their area. They live in an area called Verapaz, which is very rural and not near town. All of the families that live in Verapaz have to go to the town each day to buy what they will need to eat and cook with. No one has a fridge, so they do this every day. Victor and Rosie want to open a store where they can have their own business for the people in their community. It would be an excellent source of work for the family and benefit all of these families. We have wanted to help a family start a business, but have been not only waiting for the right donation but also the right family that God puts in our place. With this recent donation, we are able to help them in the process of starting their store! They were overwhelmed when we talked to them and started making the plans; all of us realizing that it is God who sends these blessings. They have almost completed the store building, and have purchased a fridge as well as a place to put the fridge and some shelves. It will be a type of loan in the way that Victor will continue working for smallchangeforbigchange to earn the money. Some of it was given, but it is also good to go about this as a type of loan. He loves to work with the project and is a huge asset! We are all praying that things continue to come together, and are excited to see where this will go. I will keep you updated on the progress of the store as the process continues!