Happy New Year! As I mentioned before, I LOVE the Christmas season…and tend to get a
little down when everything comes to an end after New Year’s. But I also think
the idea of a new start; a new beginning is a beautiful thing. It is the chance
for new goals, mending and working on relationships, new starts with God.
It was my first Christmas without my family. I was a little worried
because I knew I would be missing them, and everything about Christmas at home.
(Including the snow!) The tradition here is that families get together on
Christmas Eve in the evening, and at midnight head out to the streets to light
off fireworks and firecrackers. After that, the families head inside for a
typical dinner; usually tamales and ponche. Ponche is a famous drink around the
holidays made of various fruits. The family stays up until the early hours of
the morning, talking, celebrating, dancing. It is a beautiful tradition, even without
any gifts. Christmas morning is quiet, since everyone has slept in from the
night before! That night, there is a procession of Mary in the street, and more
fireworks and street vendors selling children’s toys and typical Guatemalan
food. I went with friends that evening as well.

I was able to talk to my family on the 25th, and was
thinking of them each moment wondering what they were all doing! From what I
heard, it was a nice day for them as well. Today I officially start back
working, after taking the week and a half to relax a little. I am thankful for
all of these friends and their families in my life, who have become like a
family to me here and made being away from home bearable around times like the
holidays. God has provided me the people that I need…..as He always provides. I
hope you all had a wonderful holiday and having a great start to this new year.