I can’t believe how
quickly once again time goes. The CUMC mission team was here for 8 days, and
just left yesterday morning. It was such a blessing to have people that I know
and care about here to learn more about smallchange4bigchange and what projects
and work we are involved in. They arrived Sunday afternoon, the 17th,
and since the processions for holy week were starting spent an hour to get from
just one end of town to the next! During their time here the sponsored and
helped install two stoves, and a chicken coop. We attended a birthday party for
a project we have just recently found called Paso A Paso. Paso A Paso (Step by
Step) is an after school program for children ages 3 to 12. They come for lunch
and stay for 2 hours to play, learn, and have a place to go. They have bible
lessons, the girls have cooking lessons and the boys are being taught
vocational skills such as carpentry. It is the project of the stove factory
that we use (Marco Tulio) and his wife (Ana Luisa). There are only two woman
who are in charge, one is a hired teacher and the other, Ana Luisa, who is a
volunteer. There are now 74 children who attend. Smallchange4bigchange will be
more involved in this project, details to come! The CUMC team did a “healthy”
activity with the children, making ants on a log with peanut butter, raisins,
and celery and gave them apples and yogurt with sprinkles. We explained to them
the importance of eating healthy foods.
They were able to meet
two of our sponsored children, those two who have sponsored back at church! One
of them had sent a package of hair supplies, nailpolish, markers and other
items for her and her sisters. It was very special!
They also spent the day
visiting gardens; one in Alotenango, a community garden with 60 women who are
learning how to take care of plants and more about agriculture, and the prototype
aquaponic garden that one of my English students is taking care of. That garden
is a work in progress, and we have just put a set of tilapia to start.
It was hard to see them
go, I told them to give my Dad a hug for me! I look forward to having another
team from our church possibly in the fall.