Happy Easter!
I arrived home a couple weeks ago from Costa Rica. It's been a great time of fellowship with friends and family, and I plan to begin working this week again as a substitute for Baltimore County until the end of the school year.
Easter celebrates the most important turning point in the history of the world, whether people believe it or not. Jesus Christ walked this earth, and did come to serve, be as a servant, and die to save us.
We've heard the story many times, same with the Christmas story, but we shouldn't forget how powerful they are! Jesus Christ literally died, was breathless, lifeless, for three days. I'm not sure what physically happens to a body after three days, but I'm sure it is not something any person would want to be around. The point is that He had no breath, no heartbeat, nothing, for that long.
It was the absolute power of God to raise Him; give him life again. He appeared to the disciples for 40 days after His death (Acts 1:3). He also appeared to 500 other people at the same time (1 Corinthians 15:6). If we claim to believe in a God that has this incredible power, why do we live as though He fits on our level? The God who created the universe and cleaned us from all of the filth and evil that is who we are, that is our hearts, so that we can live with abundant life (John 10:10) and be forgiven. He came so that we can find joy in suffering, and be the God of comfort because He understands the pain and temptation! He came so that we would have life forever, if we choose through faith to believe these things.
If you have the chance, watch the movie The Passion of the Christ. There was some controversy over it, but it is an amazing movie that gave me a picture of what the crucifixion was and how it happened. Give Christ, the living Christ, thanks for what He did, BELIEVE that He walked the earth and was and is real today, living through the Holy Spirit.