The season of groups has ended, so we are trying to recuperate and catch up on things around here.
There was a group of 9 people from Kentucky that were here. They were working on a woman named Consuelo’s house in Linda Vista. She was getting a small addition onto her house to be able to wash clothes. It was almost completed.
A team came and was both living and working in Dulce Nombre, finishing the church. It is still not completed, but they were very successful! They did a bible school for a few days, and had up to 70 children. That was unexpected because there are not very many families that attend that church.
While that team was in Dulce Nombre, we had two teams here! A group of 25 youth from Mt. Airy Christian Academy in MD, and a group of 19 from Georgia. It was extremely busy! The GA team did construction and bible school in San Francisco. One of the nearby churches is closing its doors, so this Pastor is expected to have more people coming within the next few weeks. So they were painting the church and putting the floor and sidewalk for the building next door that will be the Sunday school building. There was a group back at Eva’s house, working on her septic tank and building the whole and the place for the tanks and tubes. Consuelo’s house in Linda Vista is finished! She has a new area for the laundry room.
The MD group had the chance to help out and see the feeding program that a church in Kentucky is financially supporting in an area called Barrio Chino. Many of the families that live there are single mothers, the fathers have left them. There are also many immigrants from Nicaragua that have moved south. Some days they have up to 100 children, ranging from babies to teenagers. The Pastor shares a message with the children and prays with them, and then they are served a meal that has been cooked and brought back to the house. (A woman has opened her house as a place for this ministry, she uses her outside patio and they are adding more cement flooring and a roof to expand!) The group of youth had the chance to share a bible story and music and a craft with them before they served them the food.
It has been a very blessed time, it’s always nice to see the physical accomplishments of the work that’s been done! I am planning on coming home sometime in April, within the next few days I will be buying my ticket. Time goes by so quickly!
God is good and faithful. I’m learning that He truly is our fulfillment in life, and what will bring satisfaction and not leave our hearts empty. If we go to Him, He will come down to us and be near.