Tuesday, May 25, 2010


My Grandfather's Memorial Service was on Saturday morning, and it went well. Everyone from my family was touched by the support of the church family. There is strength in the people of God coming together in prayer and in presence! I was very thankful that I was home for it.

I have had tingling and numbness in my legs for a long time now, and a week before I came home it turned into aching pain. Once I got here, I went to the doctor and got an MRI and saw that I have a pinched nerve in my back. I have been seeing a physical therapist and was taking steroids to make some of the swelling go down. It helped, but the pain has come back. It is a great thing that we have figured out what is wrong and that it is not pushing on the cord, but we are still trying to get it "unpinched" so that I can be back to normal. It was a tough decision as to whether or not it is wise to be traveling out of the country before the problem is resolved. The PT will be giving me exercises to do and giving me tips on things not to do to make it worse. I've been praying for healing and some relief before leaving on Sunday. God is still in control; any prayers would be appreciated :) Thank you and God bless you all!

Monday, May 17, 2010


This week has been calmer than last, and the arrangements have been made for my Grandfather's Memorial Service on Saturday. I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to come home and be with family during this time. I've already mentioned that before, but it has been an unexected blessing, and I'm taking advantage of it (as well as the spring weather!) Thank you again for your prayers...my Dad especially feels them and honestly believes in them.

There has been a slight change of plans, instead of returning to Ecuador, I will be spending a couple months in Costa Rica at the center that the church visits each year. I will be working there with the missionaries Mary and Marion Woods, as well as Steve Semler, with different VIM teams that come through and helping with the ministries and projects they are involved in. (Their website is http://www.costaricamethodist.org/index.html). The Lord has put that place and the people on my heart for a long time now.

This was not what I was expecting or where I thought I would be going, but then again everything has seemed to turn out a little different than I thought. I have been reminded this week and the past couple weeks of the scripture in Ecclesiastes (11:5) that reads "As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things." What a comfort to know that no matter what, HE is still at work. When God leads somewhere, He doesn't do it to abandon us but to fufill His plan through us. What an amazing concept...

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello everyone,

I can't believe I've been home for almost a week now, it has all happened so fast. It was a whirlwind and everything has happened quickly. Many of you probably already know that my grandfather passed away last Friday morning. It was peaceful, and he was ready to go. It's been very difficult on his wife, my grandmother, I know she misses him very much. They were together all the time and didn't do anything without the other. We are praying for strength for her. It's always strange when a big change happens like this, but we hold onto the hope of Heaven and of meeting God face to face!

I want to thank everyone sincerely; you all have been unbelievably kind to my Dad and shown your love by your cards, prayers, and your encouraging words. It has truly helped him to know how many people are there thinking of him and grieving with him. I've felt a peace about being home and being able to visit with family and be able to mourn with them. But we have really experienced what I believe Christ wants for His church, for his Christians, to know that we are all here for each other, even if it's just in thoughts and prayers. Thank you!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Travel Plans

Hello everyone,

I'm letting people know of a slight change of plans for right now. My grandfather has been sick for a while, and last weekend had an accident. Some of you probably have probably already heard from my Dad. Through this week he has had ups-and-downs and we weren't sure what was going to happen, and yesterday he took a turn for the worst. At this point, he is ready to die and go home, it is always harder for the people around you who love you.

Therefore, I am taking a trip home tomorrow. I thought and prayed about what to do, and it is difficult to be here while all this is going on at home. Our family is extremely close, and I sort of feel the need to be with them. I also want to be there for my Dad; he is doing well but it is still his Father and his family.

Prayers for that side of the family would be appreciated, and I might see you all sometime sooner than I thought! God bless.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't Waste Your Life!

Hola amigos y familia!

Well it was an eventful weekend; I was sick Friday evening and night. Thankfully, it was only a bug that went around for about 5 hours; I will spare you the details! I spent Saturday sleeping and recovering, and was back working Sunday morning.
I’ve been reading a book called “Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper and read a very interesting part that I wanted to share:

“But suffering with Jesus on the Calvary road of love is not merely the result of magnifying Christ; it is also the means. He is made supreme when we are so satisfied in Him that we can let ‘goods and kindred go, this mortal life also’ and suffer for the sake of love. His love shines most brightly when treasured above health and wealth and life itself. He knew that suffering (whether small discomforts or dreadful torture) would be the path in this age for making Him most visibly supreme. That is why He calls us to this. And love does not mean making much of us or making life easy. It means making us able to enjoy making much of Him forever-no matter what it costs."

I read this before I left on the trip and have reread the chapter since then. I forget so often that the cost of following Christ is sometimes painful, and sometimes calls us to things that we absolutely do not want to do. The point of the book is that Christ is our whole life’s treasure; in Him, no matter what situation, we can be filled and satisfied by our Creator. And at the end of our lives, we can look back and see that we’ve wasted nothing-no moment, opportunity, experience.

Magnifying Christ through our lives many times causes suffering, but in the end it is worth it if He is our everything. This isn't an easy thing I'm learning, and I don't think suffering will become "easier." But through it, I have the chance to run to the ultimate comforter and grow in Him.

I can always use the prayers, thank you and God bless!